When you think about how much we use our teeth, it should come as no surprise that they become stained along the way. While many individuals choose to get professional teeth whitening in South Tampa, others are looking for ways to safely whiten their teeth at home. In this article, our dentist near you provides you with some easy tips to whiten your teeth safely without sitting in the dental chair.
What You Eat Matters
If you are looking for a natural way to promote teeth whitening near you, eat more strawberries! That’s right, strawberries contain malic acid, which is a natural teeth whitener. However, ensure that you don’t keep strawberries on your teeth for too long, as the acid from the fruit will affect the strength of your enamel. Additionally, ingesting foods that are firm or chewy can help clean teeth as they are eaten. Apples are considered to be nature’s toothbrush, so don’t forget to add them to your grocery list!
It is important to remember that any food or beverage that would stain a white shirt could also stain your teeth. So, if you are trying to maintain your pearly whites, then eliminate dark foods and carbonated beverages from your diet. If you must have these drinks, then ingest them with a straw to minimize how much they coat your teeth.
Adjust Your Brushing Techniques
It is important to use a fluoridated toothpaste when you are brushing your teeth to strengthen your tooth enamel. When using this toothpaste, it is best to spit instead of rinse after brushing so that the fluoride stays on your teeth for a while longer.
Baking soda is a natural teeth whitener and is an ingredient in many kinds of toothpaste. Try to mix a quarter teaspoon of baking soda with water and apply it to your teeth using a soft-bristled toothbrush. This will not damage your teeth and gradually whiten them over time.
Rinse Away Bacteria
Pretty much every medical professional highlights the importance of drinking enough water throughout the day, and our dentist in South Tampa is no different. Water is not only essential for your overall well-being, but it is also vital for excellent oral health. Water is a natural cleanser and can wash away bacteria and food particles left on teeth after eating. Try your best to drink a full glass of water after each meal.
You should also use warm salt water to rinse your mouth out. Doing this will naturally whiten your teeth and protect your gums. Mix one teaspoon of salt with a cup of warm water to use as a mouthwash. Since salt naturally fights bacteria, doing this regularly will greatly benefit your oral health.
Cheat Tip
If you are getting ready for a special date or a night out on the town and want your teeth to shine, then this makeup tip will do the trick! Once you have made your face look flawless, complete your look with red lipstick with a blue undertone to make your teeth appear whiter!
Visit Charles Martin DDS
If you have been trying all of the above tips but are still struggling to maintain a white and bright smile, visit our team at Charles Martin DDS for professional teeth whitening. Professional teeth whitening is a quick and easy way to whiten your smile and leave you feeling confident. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us to learn more about this option today!