Custom Snore Guards Near You

What happens during sleep can significantly impact your oral health. If you grind your teeth or struggle with snoring, you may benefit from a custom sleep apnea device or snore guard. Our dental office specializes in sleep apnea treatment in South Tampa, offering custom-made snore guards tailored to your needs. These devices, crafted from sterile thermoplastic and resembling an athletic mouthpiece, are both effective and easy to maintain. With the help of a trusted sleep apnea dentist in South Tampa, you can improve your sleep quality and protect your oral health. Cleaning your snore guard is simple—just use your regular toothbrush!

custom snore guards in South Tampa

Common signs of teeth grinding include the following:

  • The patient experiences facial pain often
  • The patient experiences earaches often
  • The patient experiences headaches often
  • The patient experiences jaw stiffness and soreness, especially when opening their mouth all the way
  • The patient experiences sleep disruptions (this disrupts both the patient and/or the partner)
  • The patient experiences increased tooth sensitivity
  • The patient experiences locking of the jaw when opening their mouth
  • The patient experiences tenderness when they are chewing and eating

Only a dental professional can establish if a patient has bruxism (clenching and teeth grinding). If this is detected, our South Tampa dentist will provide the patient with the proper solution to treat and prevent future issues.

sleep apnea treatment in South Tampa

Snore Guards and Sleep Apnea Devices – TAP®

Individuals who are chronic snorers may be suffering from sleep apnea. Sleep apnea occurs when the breathing is regularly interrupted throughout the night for ten seconds or longer. Early symptoms of sleep apnea also include fatigue throughout the day, brain fog, irritability, headaches, and memory issues.

In order for air to pass through your throat, your airway must be opened. The TAP custom snore guard positions your bottom jaw so that it is held forward. This prevents it from falling open as you sleep and causing your airway to collapse. To minimize snoring and improve breathing, the TAP maintains a clear airway.

TAP is comfortable and custom-designed to avoid any changes in the position of your teeth or structure of your mouth. Also, they are patient-adjustable which enables maximum comfort and effectiveness. Dr. Martin wears one every night and no longer snores—Cathleen can attest to this!

What to Expect

After your consultation, your appointment with our dentist in South Tampa will involve taking an impression of your top and bottom teeth as well as your overall bite. This is done to ensure the snore guard is custom to your mouth and a proper fit. Your snore guard will be ready to use in 8 to 10 days.